Monday, August 15, 2011

Current Trends in Individual Giving

I came across a blog called The Non Profit Times while going through DMI's twitter feed (follow us @datamarketinc). The blog post offered 5 recent trends in giving that came from Margaret Holman at the 2011 Fundraising Day in New York.

The 2 trends that stuck out for me were:
  • "Major donors continue to give, but they are narrowing their focus to fewer charities for bigger impact."
  •  "Some trends are still true. For example: The most generous donors are likely to give by mail... and Giving still happens because donors are involved with organizations; 42% of donors volunteer with their organizations."
These 2 trends are important because it shows the importance of cultivating and growing your donor base. You want to make sure people know they are having a direct impact with their donation by communicating effectively and direct mail still is the effective method of communication. The organizations that show major donors what their donation will actually achieve, have a better chance in securing their donations. People are not able to give to as many charities as before.

Also donors want to be involved and engaged in the organizations that they support and that same principle works the other way around. Those who are already involved and engaged in organizations have a higher chance of becoming donors. 

For those involved in non profit organizations, do you feel that these trends are accurate in what you are seeing internally?  For those who are donors, do you feel that these trends are accurate in your personal giving patterns?


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