Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Better Know a DMI Employee!

Is everyone ready for another installment of Better Know a DMI Employee? I sure am!

Today's interview is with T from our Production Department.

L:  How long have you been with DMI?

T:  My whole life.

L:  Your whole life???

T:  My dad started the company 35 years ago, so when I was a little kid my parents used to pay me a penny a piece to seal envelopes.

L:  Wow! What is your favorite duty at DMI?

T:  I like to run the inserters when no one else is here because I can do it without any distractions.

L:  Yes, things can get a little hectic on the production floor. What do you do in your free time?

T:  I brew beer and play soccer.

L:  Tell me more about the beer!

T:  I started brewing about 4 years ago with my brother and it has become a passion of mine. I hope to one day open my own brewery.

L:  That sounds great. Hopefully I can get free beer from you. I noticed that from our last 2 interviews, a lot of people here have pets. Do you have any?

T:  Not currently but I am looking to adopt a dog soon.

L:  Any breeds in particular?

T:  I had a schnauzer when I was little so I'm partial to those but I'm not too picky, as long as the dog isn't over 50 pounds.

L:  I hope you find a dog soon! Thanks for a great interview and I'll be waiting for my beer!

I hope you all had fun getting to know another DMI employee.

To read the previous 2 interviews check out the links below:



  1. Working to help the family business from childhood, brews their own beer and wants to adopt a dog??!! "T" sounds like quite the person, "L".


  2. Haha! We have some great people here at DMI! ;)
