Friday, October 21, 2011

DMI's Pet Corner!

It seems like everyone at DMI has a pet so I thought it would be fun to feature them in today's post.

Meet Louis! He's ready to attack at any moment!
Gio loves his paperwork! What a hard worker!

Jacoby is a squirrel in training! Either that or he's meditating!
K Dog's tongue is larger than life! So is his personality!

Sheba is already preparing for the cold winter!

Stinky is not so stinky after her bath! So cozy!
Owen loves his pet chicken! Looks like we have a future farmer!

I hope everyone enjoyed getting to know us by meeting our adorable pets. Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. What fabulous, fun pictures! The DMI people must be a very warmhearted and caring bunch!
