Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is it too late to make new year's resolutions?

The new year brought along a lot of new changes for DMI.

The major change was our move. We relocated our office to a business park on Zanker Road. If you think moving from house to house (or apartment to apartment) is tough, imagine moving an entire office! There were a lot of logistics involved but we are finally settling into our new space.

Timing our move with the new year was perfect. It gave us all a chance to start 2011 fresh with a list of things we wanted to accomplish not only in our new space but as a company.

One thing we wanted to start in the new year was this blog. Many times, we only talk to our clients for the duration of a project, so we wanted to have a platform to convey information. Our blog will cover a variety of things such as relevant direct marketing information, updates on DMI, and a venue for clients to promote or discuss important issues and/or events.

So my first (of many) new year's resolutions is to make this blog useful and fun for the readers with regular updates and engaging topics.

I encourage everyone to leave a comment on what their new year's resolution is so we can all reflect at the end of the year on how we did!

Happy belated new year! Here's to a wonderful 2011!



  1. Internet, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, LinkedIn... How do you all keep up? My resolution this year is to conquer the calculator! Nah, seriously - it's to only look forward to 2011, and never look back at 2010!
