How was everyone's weekend? It always seems to go by way too fast!
I had never heard of the phrase Math Marketing until I read a recent article in
Deliver Magazine called
More Than Ever, Math Drives Marketing Decisions. The article discussed the role of math in marketing campaigns for many large companies.
Basically, math marketing is a lot like targeted direct marketing, which is something DMI practices. It is the idea of using analytics to match the right audience to the right piece of marketing. It is finding out that x customer segment will respond to y offer via e-mail; or y customer segment will respond to z offer via direct mail, etc.
"To survive in a marketplace where tech-empowered consumers have boundless choices, companies are harvesting numbers and tilling customer data, driven by a near-religious faith that the numbers contain crucial insights into customer’s tastes, preferences and shopping vulnerabilities."
I think this method of marketing mirrors exactly what is at the core of DMI. We don't want to mass mail everyone and hope for the best. We want to select a targeted group of people who are most likely to respond to your direct marketing appeal.
Email or leave a comment for more information to our approach on marketing!